Cyber-Physical System;CPS;Fault Tolerant Control;FTC;HD-Map;UAS;Autonomous driving;Sensor fusion;사이버 물리 시스템;고장 허용 제어;고정밀 지도;위치추정;인지 판단;경로 계획;제어;무인 항공 시스템;자율주행;센서 융합
Lab Description
Our research interest lies in modeling, control and estimation of CPS(Cyber-Physical System), developing unified control framework for assured CPS autonomy in terms of security, safety and performance.While focusing on both fundamental theory and applications, we tackle dynamical behavior of CPS from controls domain view points. Safe and Reliable Integration of Autonomous Driving Technologies is also our major research goal. While putting In-vehicle fault diagnostics and fail-safe mechanism development as our priority concern, we estimate vehicle dynamics state by implementing Software/ECU/Hardware-in-the-loop System (SILS, EILS, HILS) test platform