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Kang, Sebyung
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Exploiting dual functional cell imaging modular toolkit using bacterial superglue, SpyTag/SpyCatcher

Bae, YoonjiKang, Sebyung
Issued Date
Nanopia 2018
The selective detection of specific cells of interest and their effective visualization is important but challenging, and fluorescent cell imaging with target-specific probes is commonly used to visualize cell morphology and components and to track cellular processes. Multiple displays of two or more targeting ligands on a polyvalent single template would make it possible to construct versatile multiplex fluorescent cell imaging probes that can visualize two or more target cells individually without the need for a set of individual probes. Multiple fluorescent cell imaging probes that are simple and target-specific can be generated by combining target-specific affibodies and sensitive fluorescent proteins using bacterial superglue, the SpyTag/SpyCatcher ligation system. Further, we used encapsulin, a new class of protein cage nanoparticles, as a template and implanted dual targeting capability by presenting two different affibody molecules on a single encapsulin protein cage nanoparticle post-translationally. We genetically inserted SpyTag peptides onto the encapsulin surface and prepared various SpyCatcher-fused proteins, such as fluorescent proteins and targeting affibody molecules. We successfully displayed fluorescent proteins and affibody molecules together on a single encapsulin in a mixing-and-matching manner post-translationally using bacterial superglue and demonstrated that these dual functional encapsulins can be used as target-specific fluorescent cell imaging probes. Dual targeting protein cage nanoparticles were further constructed by ligating two different affibody molecules onto the encapsulin surface with fluorescent dyes, and they effectively recognized and bound to two individual targeting cells independently, which could be visualized by selective colors on demand.
Nanopia 2018


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