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CRM: Configurable Range Memory for Fast Reconfigurable Computing

Paek, JongkyungLee, JongeunChoi, Kiyoung
Issued Date
25th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Workshops and Phd Forum, IPDPSW 2011, pp.153 - 160
Application-specific hardware and reconfigurable processors can dramatically speed up compute-intensive kernels of applications, offloading the burden of main processor. To minimize the communication overhead in such a coprocessor approach, the two processors can share an on-chip memory, which may be considered by each processor as a scratchpad memory. However, this setup poses a significant challenge to the main processor, which now must manage data on the scratchpad explicitly, often resulting in superfluous data copy. This paper presents an enhancement to scratchpad, called Configurable Range Memory (CRM), that can reduce the need for explicit management and thus reduce data copy and promote data reuse on the shared memory. Our experimental results using benchmarks from DSP and multimedia applications demonstrate that our CRM architecture can significantly reduce the communication overhead compared to the architecture without shared memory, while not requiring explicit data management.
25th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Workshops and Phd Forum, IPDPSW 2011


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