Joo, Kyungdon


Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence(인공지능대학원)

  • Robotics and Visual Intelligence Lab.
  • Website
Research Interests
Computer vision;Robotics vision;Machine learning;Deep Learning;컴퓨터 비전;로보틱스;머신러닝;딥러닝;로보틱스 비전
Lab Description
Our lab aims to develop cutting-edge computer vision, robotics vision, and machine (deep) learning algorithms. Specifically, our research mainly focuses on 3D computer vision with a particular focus on geometric aspects. Our goal is to give the capability to a system (e.g., robots and autonomous vehicles) to understand and interpret various data in a manner that is similar to the way humans use their senses to relate to the world around them. To achieve this goal, we focus on processing and analyzing various sensor data such as image, video, 3D point cloud, and other sensory data. Currently, we are working on the following research topics:- 3D Computer Vision and Geometry- Robotics Vision- Urban Scene Understanding- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping- Sensor Fusion

Ham, JungilKim, MinjiKang, SuyoungJoo, KyungdonLi, HaoangKim, Pyojin

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Park, HarinLee, InhaKim, MinjePark, HyungyuJoo, Kyungdon

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Jang, JaehoonLee, InhaKim, MinjeJoo, Kyungdon

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Lee, OggyuJoo, KyungdonSim, Jae-Young

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Li, HaoangZhao, JiBazin, Jean-CharlesKim, PyojinJoo, KyungdonZhao, ZhenjunLiu, Yun-Hui

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Joo, KyungdonKim, PyojinMartial HebertKweon, In SoKim, Hyoun Jin

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Joo, KyungdonLi, HongdongOh, Tae-HyunKweon, In So

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Park, JinsunJeong, YongseopJoo, KyungdonCho, DonghyeonKweon, In So

Article Issue Date2022-04 View31

Kim, PyojinLi, HaoangJoo, Kyungdon

Article Issue Date2022-04 View25

Rameau, FrancoisBailo, OleksandrPark, JinsunJoo, KyungdonKweon, In So

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Choe, JaesungJoo, KyungdonImtiaz, ToobaKweon, In So

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Joo, KyungdonOh, Tae-HyunKweon, In SoBazin, Jean-Charles

Article Issue Date2020-10 View42

Im, SunghoonHa, HyowonChoe, GyeongminJeon, Hae-GonJoo, KyungdonKweon, In So

Article Issue Date2019-04 View21

Joo, KyungdonOh, Tae-HyunKim, JunsikKweon, In So

Article Issue Date2019-03 View37

Lim, JeongsooLee, InhoShim, InwookJung, HyobinJoe, Hyun MinBae, HyoinSim, OkkeeOh, JaesungJung, TaejinShin, Seunghak , et al

Article Issue Date2017-06 View40

Rameau, FrancoisHa, HyowonJoo, KyungdonChoi, JinsooPark, KibaekKweon, In So

Article Issue Date2016-11 View21