Park, Tae Joo


Department of Biological Sciences(생명과학과)

Research Interests
Morphogenesis;chondrogenesis;Developmental Biology;Cartilage development;발생학;발생생물학;발생과정의 형태형성;연골생성;섬모형성
Lab Description
My lab focuses on studying the molecular and cell biological mechanisms for the morphogenetic processes during early development in vertebrate animals. Morphogenesis (Shape formation) is one of the most intriguing phenomena in living organisms. Every living organisms such as bacteria, algae, plants and animals has their own shapes. In most of cases the shape of individual cells or large tissues are critical for the survival of the organisms. In this sense, it is not surprising that the morphogenetic processes are tightly controlled by complicated signaling and mechanisms. To uncover the molecular and cell biological mechanisms for critical morphogenesis during embryonic development, my lab uses Xenopus laevis and mouse as model systems. Current research topics include cartilage formation and destruction, developmental and pathological processes of muco-ciliay epithelium.

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Chae, ShinhyeokPark, Tae JooKwon, Taejoon

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Kwon, Keun YeongJeong, HyeongsunJang, Dong GilKwon, TaejoonPark, Tae Joo

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Jang, Dong GilKwon, Keun YeongSong, Eun KyungPark, Tae Joo

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Bae, YoonjiJang, Dong GilEom, SoominPark, Tae JooKang, Sebyung

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Jang, Dong GilSim, Hyo JungSong, Eun KyungKwon, TaejoonPark, Tae Joo

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