The DISNY facility for sub-cooled flow boiling performance analysis of CRUD deposited zirconium alloy cladding under pressurized water reactor condition: Design, construction, and operation
- Author(s)
Kim, Ji Yong, Lee, Yunju, Kim, Ji Hyun, Bang, In Cheol
- Issued Date
- Citation
NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, v.55, no.9, pp.3164 - 3182
- Abstract
The CRUD on the fuel cladding under the pressurized water reactor (PWR) operating condition causes several issues. The CRUD can act as thermal resistance and increases the local cladding temperature which accelerate the corrosion process. The hideout of boron inside the CRUD results in axial offset anomaly and reduces the plant's shutdown margin. Recently, there are efforts to revise the acceptance criteria of emergency core cooling systems (ECCS), and additionally require the modeling of the thermal resistance effect of the CRUD during the performance analysis. There is an urgent need for the evaluation of the effect of the CRUD deposition on the cladding heat transfer under PWR operating conditions, but the experimental database is very limited. The experimental facility called DISNY was designed and constructed to analyze the CRUD-related multi-physical phenomena, and the performance analysis of the constructed DISNY facility was conducted. The thermal-hydraulic and water chemistry conditions to simulate the CRUD growth under PWR operating conditions were established. The design characteristics and feasibility of the DISNY facility were validated by the MARS-KS code analysis and separate perfor-mance tests. In the current study, detailed design features, design validation results, and future utili-zation plans of the proposed DISNY facility are presented.& COPY; 2023 Korean Nuclear Society, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
- Publisher
- Keyword (Author)
CRUD, Fouling, Deposition, Subcooled nucleate boiling, PWR, DISNY
- Keyword
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