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Oh, Yoon Seok
Laboratory for Strong Correlation in Quantum Materials
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Enhanced Multiferroicity in LuFeO3 Through Sc Doping

Disseler, StevenOh, Yoon SeokHu, RongweiLuo, XuanLynn, JeffCheong, Sang-WookRatcliff, William
Issued Date
2015 APS March Meeting
Hexagonal manganites of the type \textit{R}MnO3 are well known examples of single-phase multiferroic materials, but suffer from low magnetic ordering temperatures and weak magnetoelectric coupling making them unsuitable for implementation in devices. Recently, the isostructural ferrites \textit{R}FeO3 have been proposed as promising materials to exhibit greatly enhanced magnetic properties, including a much stronger coupling mechanism between ferromagnetic moment and ferroelectic polarization. Here we present a magnetometry and neutron scattering investigation of LuFeO3 forced into the ferroelectric structure through Sc-doping. We find the magnetic ordering temperature dramatically increases relative to pure hexagonal LuFeO3 and LuMnO3, as well as an unusual spin-reorientation at low temperatures. We will discuss possible mechanisms for this reorientation and how it provides insight into the enhanced magnetic properties Limit of the \textit{R}FeO3 series.
Amercian Physical Society


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