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Lee, Zonghoon
Atomic-Scale Electron Microscopy Lab.
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Ambient air oxidation behavior of intrinsic graphene defects for different origins on copper

Alternative Title
구리 기판 위에 성장된 그래핀의 다양한 결함에서의 공기 산화 거동
Issued Date
2018년도 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회
The development of ultrathin barrier films is vital to the advanced semiconductor industry. Graphene appears to hold promise as a protective coating; however, the polycrystalline and defective nature of engineered graphene hinders its practical applications. Here, we investigate the oxidation behavior of graphene-coated Cu foils at intrinsic graphene defects of different origins. Macro-scale information regarding the spatial distribution and oxidation resistance of various graphene defects is readily obtained using optical and electron microscopies after the hot-plate annealing. The controlled oxidation experiments reveal that the degree of structural deficiency is strongly dependent on the origins of the structural defects, the crystallographic orientations of the underlying Cu grains, the growth conditions of graphene, and the kinetics of the graphene growth. The obtained experimental and theoretical results show that oxygen radicals, decomposed from water molecules in ambient air, are effectively inverted at Stone–Wales defects into the graphene/Cu interface with the assistance of facilitators.


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