14th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies, OMEG2017, v.1947
Stars ending with core collapse supernovae (SNe) emit a tremendous number of neutrinos during their explosions. While these neutrinos pass through each layer of the stars, they react with the nuclides in the progenitor. Although the neutrino cross sections are very small, its huge flux is high enough to react with nuclides to change their abundances. We consider this ν-process, by which abundances of some elements may be explained exclusively by this neutrino process. One of the candidates is 98Tc. In this study, we check the ν-process contributions due to the neutrino reactions. In this calculation we also include the neutrino oscillation effect in the matter with varying density, so called MSW effect, not only for 98Tc production but also 4He and 12C destruction, which occurs at first in the He/C layer in the present model.
14th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies, OMEG2017