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Observation of edge turbulence spread by ECEI on the ELM-crash-suppressed plasmas in the KSTAR

Park, Hyeon KeoLee, JaehyunChoi, MinjunYun, GunsuLee, WoochangLuhmann Jr, NC
Issued Date
57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
The structure and dynamics of the ELM and edge turbulence modified by n=1 RMP have been studied during the ELM-crash-suppression phase by applying correlation analysis techniques on the measured ECEI signals. The ECEI shows that filamentary modes remained at theedge with frequent bursts during ELM-crash-suppression phase. The filamentary mode fluctuates in the range of 20 kHz and the dynamics of the mode seems to be violent and complex compared to the ELMing H-mode phase. Correlation analysis shows corresponding fluctuations have long poloidal wavelength (or small poloidal wavenumber kθ<1 cm−1) with smaller size compared to the filamentary mode, and average group velocity of ∼3 km/s along the electron diamagnetic direction, parallel wavelengths in the range of 2<λ||<8 m. The characteristic size in the order of kθρs∼0.1 and velocimetry analysis suggest the resistive ballooning mode is a strong candidate for edge fluctuation in the ELM-crash-suppression phase.
57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics


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