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Synthesis of Strategies from Interaction Traces

Au, Tsz-ChiuKraus, SaritNau, Dana
Issued Date
International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'08), pp.837 - 844
We describe how to take a set of interaction traces produced by different pairs of players in a two-player repeated game, and combine them into a composite strategy. We provide an algorithm that,in polynomial time, can generate the best such composite strategy.We describe how to incorporate the composite strategy into an existing agent, as an enhancement of the agent’s original strategy.We provide experimental results using interaction traces from 126 agents (most of them written by students as class projects) for the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma, Iterated Chicken Game, and Iterated Battle of the Sexes. We compared each agent with the enhanced version of that agent produced by our algorithm. The enhancements improved the agents’ scores by about 5% in the IPD, 11% in the ICG, and 26% in the IBS, and improved their rank by about 12% in the IPD, 38% in the ICG, and 33% in the IBS.


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