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Test of the ITER-like resonant magnetic perturbation configurations for edge-localized mode crash suppression on KSTAR

In, YongkyoonLoarte, A.Lee, H.H.Kim, K.Jeon, Y.M.Park, J.-K.Ahn, J.-W.Park, G.Y.Kim, M.Park, Hyeon Keo3D Physics Task Force in KSTAR
Issued Date
NUCLEAR FUSION, v.59, no.12, pp.126045
KSTAR has demonstrated divertor heat flux broadening during edge-localized mode (ELM) crash suppression using ITER-like three-row resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) for the first time. To address a couple of critical issues in ITER RMP, robust ELM-crash-suppression methodology has been explored at low q 95 and established in KSTAR using low-n RMPs. Taking full advantage of the ITER-like three-row in-vessel control coils (IVCC) in KSTAR, a set of intentionally misaligned RMP configurations (IMC) was tested to investigate whether or not IMC could be compatible with ELM crash suppression, while minimizing electromagnetic loads on RMP coils. As a result, the ITER-like three-row IMCs were found not only to have been compatible with the ELM crash suppression, but also to have broadened the divertor heat fluxes in the vicinity of the outer strike point. In comparison, the two-row RMPs have rarely affected the near scrape-off layer (SOL) heat flux despite slightly broadened profile change in the far-SOL. Since the divertor heat flux broadening reflects the dispersal of the peaked near-SOL heat flux, the experimental outcome is quite favorable to the ITER choice of three rows, instead of two rows. Nonetheless, since the IMC-driven broadening observed in the attached plasmas in KSTAR might appear substantially different in the partially detached plasmas in ITER, additional investigation has been conducted to see if RMP-driven, ELM crash suppression could be compatible with detached plasmas. Although no detached plasmas have been identified with ELM crash suppression yet, significantly reduced divertor heat flux was confirmed in high density, ELM-crash-suppressed plasmas at q 95  =  3.4 using n  =  2 RMPs. These new findings elevate the confidence level about the ITER RMP system, while the remaining uncertainties need to be further clarified using the three-row IVCCs in KSTAR.
Institute of Physics Publishing
Keyword (Author)
edge-localized modes (ELM)resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP)ELM crash suppression


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