Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology Graduate School of Technology & Innovation Management (UNIST MOT) was founded in March 2016. The current challenges of the Korean economy are to connect technology and management to advance the manufacturing industry and to identify new growth engines with high added value in order to reinforce the industrial competitiveness of Korea that is currently in recession. As a result, the foundation of UNIST MOT with its stated objective of nurturing professional technical entrepreneurs who can contribute to such tasks is considered to be very timely.

UNIST MOT focuses on advancing the manufacturing industry and commercializing innovative technologies through the convergence of technical management, the manufacturing industry, and IT. The manufacturing industry in Korea is rapidly being pursued by newly rising countries, such as China, in terms of technology without being able to narrow the technological gap with countries possessing advanced technology. Therefore, innovation and convergence in the manufacturing industry is the demand of the times which can enable the economy of Korea, especially that of Ulsan, to make consistent growth.

In order to accomplish this, the development of human resources is required more than anything. According to surveys conducted by our university, many on-site workforces in the manufacturing industry point out ‘keeping up with rapidly changing technology’ and ‘lack of knowledge in technological management’ as being the biggest problems. In response to this, UNIST MOT aims to become an educational venue which produces talented technological entrepreneurs.

Peter Drucker, one of the great management scholars of the 20th century, remarked that society in the future will be led by the spirits of innovation and entrepreneurship. Creative ideas through convergence are rising as a key factor for growth of companies more than at any other time. UNIST MOT is actively seeking talented human resources who seek to become professional technological managers with the spirit of entrepreneurship and can lead the creative economy through convergence of ‘technology and management’ and ‘academia and industry.’ We actively encourage you to respond to such demand of the times with UNIST MOT.

Research Area: Cancer biology, Immunology, Medical life information science, Microbiology, Molecular cell biology, Neurobiology, Stem cell biology, Structural biology

Website: https://mot.unist.ac.kr/