Park, Jaeyeong


Department of Nuclear Engineering(원자력공학과)

  • Fuel Cycle and Waste Lab.
  • Website
Research Interests
Radioactive waste decontamination;Radioactive waste disposal;Spent nuclear fuel recycling;Spent nuclear fuel disposal;Nuclear Fuel Cycle;핵연료주기;방사성폐기물;원자력공학
Lab Description
Fuel Cycle and Waste Lab (FCWL) endeavors to find out a solution for radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel issues, arising from generation to disposal. Our lab interests lie generally in four major areas: 1) radioactive waste decontamination, 2) radioactive waste disposal, 3) spent nuclear fuel recycling, 4) spent nuclear fuel disposal. The followings are the research topics that have been conducting:● Molten salt based electrochemical decontamination of radioactive metals (zirconium alloys, stainless steels, nickel alloys)● High degree separation of actinide elements from spent nuclear fuel using liquid metal electrodes● Chemical stability of radioactive waste including hazardous materials (e.g., heavy metal and organic solvent) in radioactive waste repository● Structural safety of radioactive waste disposal packages in normal and seismic conditions of a repository

Noh, HyeonjuneLee, JungjoonPark, Jaeyeong

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Seo, GalamShin, Hye-WonPark, Jaeyeong

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Byeon, HyeonginJeong, UgyuPark, Jaeyeong

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Byeon, HyeonginPark, JaeyeongKim, Byungmin

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Lee, YulimByeon, HyeongjinPark, Jaeyeong

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Jeon, YounghwanHur, JunghoJeong, Gwan YoonOhk, SeungminPark, Jaeyeong

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Byeon, HyeongjinPark, Jaeyeong

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Byeon, HyeongjinPark, Jaeyeong

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Shin, Yong-HoonPark, JaeyeongHur, JunghoJeong, SungjinHwang, Il Soon

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Sohn, SungjuneChoi, SungyeolPark, JaeyeongHwang, Il Soon

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Byeon, HyeongjinJeong, Gwan YoonPark, Jaeyeong

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Jeon, YounghwanHur, JunghoJeong, Gwan YoonSohn, SungjunePark, Jaeyeong

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Hur, JunghoJeong, SeongjinSohn, SungjoonPark, JaeyeongHwnag, Il Soon

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Lee, Seung GiShin, Yong-HoonPark, JaeyeongHwang, Il Soon

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Yoon, SeokjooKang, DokyuSohn, SungjunePark, JaeyeongLee, MinhoChoi, Sungyeol

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Jeong, Gwan YoonKim, Yeon SooPark, Jaeyeong

Article Issue Date2020-01 View37
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