Kim, Yung Sam


Department of Chemistry(화학과)

  • Ultrafast 2D IR Spectroscopy Lab.
  • Website
Research Interests
Spectroscopy;2D IR;two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy;분광학;이차원적외선분광학
Lab Description
Our research focuses on developing two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) spectroscopy and its application to understanding the structure and (fast) dynamics of diverse targets ranging from small molecules to material-based macromolecular complexes. Some of our research topics are:1. Developing advanced data analysis methods to interpret the complicated dynamics of molecular systems in the presence of fast dynamics including chemical exchange,spectral diffusion, and energy transfer2. Understanding fast protein-solvent (water) interaction mainly mediated by H-bond dynamics3. Improving the sensitivity of 2D IR spectrometer by designing advanced experimental equipment to obtain high-quality 2D IR spectra for low absorption samples4. Developing new 2D IR experimental methods suitable for studying solid-phase molecular complexes with rough surfaces, such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and perovskite films, by eliminating spectral contamination by scattered light5. Making 2D IR spectroscopy to be widely used for general purposes.

Lee, JaejinTurner, Adam H.Ryu, Soo RyeonKim, Yung SamKim, Doseok

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Kwon, HyejinOsawa, KojiSeol, Jin GyuSung, SiheonKim, DoseokKim, Yung Sam

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Park, Byung-wookKim, JincheolShin, Tae JooKim, Yung SamKim, Min GyuSeok, Sang Il

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Choi, BumjoonKim, Nam HyeongJin, Geun YoungKim, Yung SamKim, Yong HoEom, Kilho

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Seol, Jin GyuKwon, HyejinJin, Geun YoungMoon, JuranYi, ChairyoungKim, Yung Sam

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Jin, Geun YoungKim, Yung Sam

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Kim, DongwookPark, JaehunKim, Yung SamLah, Myoung Soo

Article Issue Date2017-01 View40

Kashid, Somnath M.Jin, Geun YoungBagchi, SayanKim, Yung Sam

Article Issue Date2015-11 View44
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