Jeon, Myeongjae(2018-07-30 ~ 2024-08-01)


Department of Computer Science and Engineering(컴퓨터공학과)

Research Interests
Systems AI;Big data analytics;Systems for new HW;빅데이터 시스템;인공지능 시스템;분산시스템;GPU 관리 시스템;인공지능 하드웨어 설계;온디바이스 인공지능 시스템 설계;실시간 빅데이터 처리 시스템 설계;라지스케일 모니터링 엔진 설계
Lab Description
Our research interests span distributed systems, data analytics engines, computer architecture, and applied machine learning. Our research goal is to advance the state of the art in emerging large-scale computing platforms by making them more efficient, responsive, intelligent and programmable. Our current research topics at UNIST are on the following areas:1. Systems + AI: We build systems support for improving machine learning frameworks and prediction-serving systems, as well as leverage machine learning in producing intelligent system software.2. Big data analytics: We build data processing pipelines for real-time big data analytics at cloud/IoT scale that enable system operators to promptly troubleshoot system anomalies, improving performance and reliability of their services.3. Systems for new HW: We produce substantially better system software in the face of the recent explosion of hardware features and heterogeneity, such as accelerators and processor/memory tailored to improve efficiency, density, performance predictability.