Lee, Kyungho


Department of Design / Graduate School of Creative Design Engineering(디자인학과)

  • Expressive Computing Lab.
  • Website
Research Interests
human-centered machine learning;deep-technical ui/ux;machine learning;intelligent UI design;digital media design;human-computer interaction
Lab Description
Artificial Intelligence (AI), often considered as a form of machine learning or computational intelligence, is increasingly being used to improve people’s interactions with products and services. While such technology has a big impact on creating new products and services, it has also been proven to be incredibly challenging to work with as a new material for design. To tackle this challenge, we explore the potential of computational intelligence in design by creating AI/ML-driven interactions, digital services, and products. We hope our research and experiment will enable us to create a more intuitive, natural, and expressive UI/UX, beyond task-oriented interactions (what to perform), toward the design of intelligent interactions that draw upon the nuances of human expression (how to perform).