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CEO Fashion Matters? Effect of Consistent versus Variable Fashion Style on Perceived Competence

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CEO Fashion Matters? Effect of Consistent versus Variable Fashion Style on Perceived Competence
Kim, MinChungLee, Jacob C.
Issued Date
The present research examines how a temporal dimension of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) fashion style—consistent (versus variable) fashion—influences stakeholders’ perceptions of CEO competence. Based on the temporal aspect of attribution theory, we hypothesize that stakeholders would perceive those CEOs who are consistent in their clothing across various occasions as more competent than CEOs who do not portray consistency. We also consider CEO gender a key moderator of the link between fashion consistency and perceived competence. Based on gender stereotypes and relatively unclear rules about women’s clothing within professional settings, we hypothesize that the enhancement of perceived competence from a consistent fashion style is mitigated for female CEOs. Furthermore, by applying a zero-sum belief in time management to CEOs’ clothing decisions, we hypothesize that perceived work engagement mediates the ‘gender’ moderation. Three studies, including a survey and two scenario-based experiments in which we manipulate fashion consistency and CEO gender, largely supported the hypotheses. The results emphasize the importance for CEOs to strategically manage visual cues, like fashion style, focusing on either their consistency or variability when interacting with stakeholders across different occasions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc.


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