Ever since the publication of the “The Mathematical Principle of Natural Philosophy (Issac Newton, 1687)”, physicists’ endeavor to achieve a general principle of nature, in the form of mathematical language, has consistently improved human intelligence. The explorations of new knowledge have covered diverse hierarchies, including the very constituent structure of nuclei and the space-time structure of the whole universe. Modern physics, which is rooted in the 20th century development of quantum mechanics and relativity, provide a solid basecamp for a further investigation of unknown knowledge or unexplained phenomena of nature. On the other hand, physics also works as an indispensable constituent knowledge that can support and develop technology of modern and further human society. In this perspective, physicists are expected to have very promising active roles in various fields, such as electronic engineering or various forms of energy sciences.
Physics track of UNIST consists of 17 professor members who has expertise in the field of plasma and beam physics, quantum materials physics, soft matter physics, and quantum information. In the undergraduate coursework, students are required to fully master the core subject of physics, such as classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics. Based on these solid bases of physics background, senior undergraduate students are to be trained for an interdisciplinary research topic through the resources and internship program in UNIST laboratories. In graduate school, a student is to be supervised by each professor in the field of the very expertise and also can make a collaborative tie with professors in other departments in UNIST, such as electronics engineering, materials science, and energy researches.

Research Area: Plasma Science | Beam Physics (Fusion energy, Astrophysics, Plasma & accelerator physics), Soft Matter | Statistical Physics (Soft condensed matter, Complex systems, Bilogical physics), Quantum Matter | Optical Physics (Dirac material, Strongly correlated electons, Quantum optics & information)

Website: https://physics.unist.ac.kr/