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dc.contributor.advisor Park, Jongnam - Bang, Eunbyul - 2024-01-25T14:13:26Z - 2024-01-25T14:13:26Z - 2017-08 -
dc.description.abstract Colloidal quantum dots can control the bandgap by controlling the particle size, and are capable of solution processing, which is cost competitive, and has a narrow half width of the emission wavelength. Using these characteristics, it is possible to utilize various kinds of LED, solar cell, and bio imaging. Among them, indium phosphide (InP) quantum dots have a bandgap capable of emitting light in the near-infrared region from the visible light region, and are less toxic to humans and the environment than cadmium-based quantum dots, and are attracting attention as next generation light emitting materials.
However, the limited choice and high cost of P precursors have a negative impact on their practical applicability. In this work, I report the large-scale synthesis of highly luminescent InP@ZnS QDs from an elemental P precursor (P4), which was simply synthesized via the sublimation of red P powder. The size of the InP QDs was controlled by varying the reaction parameters such as the reaction time and temperature, and the type of In precursors. This way, the photoluminescence properties of the synthesized InP@ZnS QDs could be easily tuned across the entire visible range, while their quantum yield could be increased up to 60% via the optimization of reaction conditions. Furthermore, possible reaction pathways for the formation of InP QDs using the P4 precursor have been investigated with nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and it was demonstrated that the direct reaction of P4 precursor with In precursor produces InP structures without the formation of intermediate species. The large-scale production of InP@ZnS QDs was demonstrated by yielding more than 6 g of QDs per one-batch reaction.
In the case of InP using different precursor P except the Tris(Trimethylsilyl) phosphine ((TMS)3P) there has been a problem that the size distribution is poor. Two kinds of P precursors with different reactivities were used to separate the nucleation and growth processes and to induce growth along the Lamer mechanism to produce uniform particles. For this, (TMS)3P and DEAP were used as fast reacting P precursors, and P4 was used as a slow reacting P precursor. Through this, the possibility of uniform particle formation was observed. I strongly believe that the newly developed approach bears the potential to be widely used for manufacturing inexpensive high-quality QD emitters.
- Master -
dc.description Departmentof Chemical Engineering -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.language eng -
dc.publisher Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) -
dc.rights.embargoReleaseDate 9999-12-31 -
dc.rights.embargoReleaseTerms 9999-12-31 -
dc.title Large-Scale Synthesis of Highly Luminescent InP@ZnS Quantum Dots Using Elemental Phosphorus Precursor -
dc.type Thesis -


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