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Framework to Compute Analytical Fragility Curves of Structures Subject to Tsunami Waves and Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis through Large Scale SPH

Torbol, Marco
Issued Date
Frameworks of estimating tsunami fragility curves and tsunami hazard analysis are proposed. The numerical method is employed to simulate tsunami event and the exerted force of tsunami impact. A finite difference scheme simulates the generation, propagation and inundation stage of tsunami. The smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) method estimates the exerted forces from the inundation of tsunami wave in coastline and on the structure.
Exerted forces due to tsunami impact on structure are applied to the finite element model of the structure. We performed dynamic non-linear analysis to estimate responses of the structures. The set of tsunami wave simulations are performed and the structural responses are recorded. The data of structural damage is used to compute the analytical fragility curves. The capability of SPH method to estimate the exerted forces from tsunami wave dynamically is a beneficiary for the study of structural responses due to tsunami impact.
The study of tsunami simulation and its exerted forces is extended to compute the probabilistic tsunami hazard. The concept of probability seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) is adopted and modified to account sources of tsunami and its attenuation properties. The framework named probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis (PTHA), it computes hazard curves which shows the likelihood of the height of tsunami wave break and its recurrence rate. Limitation of tsunami records is a challenge on the PTHA method. However, far-field tsunami and other non-seismic tsunami sources can be considered in the PTHA, if tsunami records are limited. The information provided by PTHA can be incorporated with other hazard analysis, to improve the risk analysis of particular location.
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering


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