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Drivers of Behavioral Intention to Use Internet of Things: Understanding the Effect of Perceived Risks and Values

Bae, Jin-Seok
Cho, Wooje
Issued Date
The recently appeared IoT (Internet of Things) is drawing attention as a technology that may provide efficiency and convenience of individuals and businesses, and there is a growing trend ofinterest and investment on it. On the other hand, while IoT introduces a new value and opportunity to users, it involves many concerns of privacy invasion. The privacy intrusion arose the user’s experience of the service may discourage them adopting IoT in a long term, which may hold back the rapid development of IoT industry. Thus, this paper aimed to examine effect of both user’s perceived value usefulness and enjoyment), three ways of perceived privacy risk (risk on technology, service provider and legislation) on their intention to use life logging service which is one of the famous IoT service. To do this, we used privacy calculus model to examine the relationship between perceived privacy risk and perceived privacy risk.
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
Department Of Management Engineering


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