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유럽에서의 미래제조시스템 연구 (H2020 Factories of the future 2020 중심으로)

Alternative Title
Next generation manufacturing study in Europe - H2020 Factories of the future
Kim, Duck Young
Issued Date
2014 한국CAD/CAM학회 하계학술대회, pp.373 - 377
The manufacturing industry has been a path to economic growth, and a main source of jobs and nation’s wealth after the industrial revolution of the nineteen century ; it is not exaggeration to say that it underpinning all economic activity. For these reasons, many countries have strived to reinvigorate manufacturing in recent years. This presentation introduces the efforts of European countries to develop the technologies needed for the new sustainable and competitive factories of the future. The technologies have been developed by many project consortiums under EU FP7 and Horizon 2020, aiming at supporting Europe’s industrial competitiveness, addressing global demand for affordable, personalished and eco-efficient products, adapting manufacturing to a smart, green and inclusive economy, reinforcing the role of manufacturing for growth and jobs.


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