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Paek, Kyong-Mi
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dc.citation.conferencePlace US -
dc.citation.conferencePlace Moore College of Art & Design -
dc.citation.endPage 48 -
dc.citation.startPage 48 -
dc.citation.title 2016 PAEA Conference - Paek, Kyong-Mi - 2023-12-19T20:07:33Z - 2023-12-19T20:07:33Z - 2016-10-28 - 2016-10-08 -
dc.description.abstract The mounting crisis of environmental degradation, which has arisen because of the activities of modern civilization, has inspired people to find ways of reconnecting humans with the natural world. In the field of education, many have proposed ways of promoting environmental awareness, environmental sensitivity, and environmental appreciation. Some have also explored the potential role of art education by introducing the ecological practices of contemporary artists into the curriculum. For more than three decades, a community of artists in South Korea, known as YATOO, has developed a unique artistic vision and methodology for working with nature. Four artists in the community were invited to UNIST, a science and technology university, to develop a four-day on-campus collaborative art project with engineering students. This presentation reviews the process and the results of that collaboration and discusses the possibilities for extending dynamic, exploratory, and interdisciplinary learning in this environment. -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation 2016 PAEA Conference, pp.48 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.identifier.url -
dc.language 영어 -
dc.publisher Pennsylvania Art Education Association -
dc.title Extending a collaborative art project developed with Korean nature artists -
dc.type Conference Paper - 2016-10-06 -


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