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2D/3D ECE imaging data for validation of turbulence simulation

Park, Hyeon KeoChoi, MinjunYun, GunsuLee, JaehyunLee, WoochangPark, Young-SeokSabbagh, SAWang, WeixingLuhmann Jr, NC
Issued Date
57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, v.60, no.19
The 2-D/3-D KSTAR ECEI diagnostic can provide a local 2-D/3-D measurement of ECE intensity. Application of spectral analysis techniques to the ECEI data allows local estimation of frequency spectra S(f), wavenumber spectra S(k), wavernumber and frequency spectra S(k,f), and bispectra b(f1,f2) of ECE intensity over the 2-D/3-D space, which can be used to validate turbulence simulations. However, the minimum detectable fluctuation amplitude and the maximum detectable wavenumber are limited by the temporal and spatial resolutions of the diagnostic system, respectively. Also, the finite measurement area of the diagnostic channel could introduce uncertainty in the spectra estimation. The limitations and accuracy of the ECEI estimated spectra have been tested by a synthetic ECEI diagnostic with the model and/or fluctuations calculated by GTS.
57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics


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