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Lee, Seung Jun
Nuclear Safety Assessment and Plant HMI Evolution Lab.
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dc.citation.endPage 365 -
dc.citation.number 4 -
dc.citation.startPage 348 -
dc.citation.title International Journal on Nuclear Safety and Simulation -
dc.citation.volume 1 - Lee, Seung Jun - Seong, Poong Hyun - 2023-12-22T06:38:26Z - 2023-12-22T06:38:26Z - 2018-08-01 - 2010-12 -
dc.description.abstract Recently, human error has been highlighted as one of the main causes of accidents in nuclear power plants (NPPs). In order to prevent human errors during the main control room (MCR) operations, which are highly complex and mentally taxing activities, improved interfaces and operator support systems have been developed for advanced MCRs. Although operator support systems have the capability to improve the safety and reliability of an NPP, inappropriate designs can have adverse effects on the system safety. Designs based on systematic development frames and validation/verification of the systems are pivotal strategies to circumvent the negative effects of operator support systems. In this paper, an integrated operator support system designed to aid the cognitive activities of operators as well as theoretical and experimental evaluation methods of operator support systems are reviewed. From this review, it was concluded that not only issues about systems (e.g., the accuracy of the system outputs),but also issues about human operators who use the systems (for instance, information quality, the operator’s trust and dependency on support systems) should be considered in the design of efficient operator support systems. -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation International Journal on Nuclear Safety and Simulation, v.1, no.4, pp.348 - 365 -
dc.identifier.issn 2185-0577 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.language 영어 -
dc.publisher Symbio Community Forum and Harbin Engineering University -
dc.title Design of an integrated operator support system for advanced NPP MCRs: issues and perspectives -
dc.type Article -
dc.description.journalRegisteredClass other -


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