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Steady state scenario development with elevated minimum safety factor on DIII-D

Holcomb, C. T.Ferron, J. R.Luce, T. C.Petrie, T. W.Park, J. M.Turco, F.Van Zeeland, M. A.Okabayashi, M.Lasnier, C. T.Hanson, J. M.Politzter, P. A.In, YongkyoonHyatt, A. W.La Haye, R. J.Lanctot, M. J.
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NUCLEAR FUSION, v.54, no.9, pp.093009
On DIII-D (Luxon 2005 Fusion Sci. Technol. 48 828), a high beta scenario with minimum safety factor (q(min)) near 1.4 has been optimized with new tools and shown to be a favourable candidate for long pulse or steady state operation in future devices. The new capability to redirect up to 5 MW of neutral beam injection (NBI) from on- to off-axis improves the ability to sustain elevated q(min) with a less peaked pressure profile. These changes increase the ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) n = 1 mode beta(N) limit thus providing a path forward for increasing the noninductive current drive fraction by operating at high beta(N). Quasi-stationary discharges free of tearing modes have been sustained at beta(N) = 3.5 and beta(T) = 3.6% for two current profile diffusion timescales (about 3 s) limited by neutral beam duration. The discharge performance has normalized fusion performance expected to give fusion gain Q approximate to 5 in a device the size of ITER. Analysis of the poloidal flux evolution and current drive balance show that the loop voltage profile is almost relaxed even with 25% of the current driven inductively, and q(min) remains elevated near 1.4. These observations increase confidence that the current profile will not evolve to one unstable to a tearing mode. In preliminary tests a divertor heat flux reduction technique based on producing a radiating mantle with neon injection appears compatible with this operating scenario. 0D model extrapolations suggest it may be possible to push this scenario up to 100% noninductive current drive by raising beta(N). Similar discharges with q(min) = 1.5-2 were susceptible to tearing modes and off-axis fishbones, and with q(min) > 2 lower normalized global energy confinement time is observed.


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