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프레이리 ‘문화서클’의 교육적 실천

Alternative Title
The Educational Practice of the ‘Cultural Circle’ Organized by Paulo Freire
Issued Date
교육철학, v.6, no.63, pp.79 - 104
I agree with Paulo Freire in that literacy education is not merely a process designed for reading letters and words but for reading the world. As he knew the social character of learning language, he never agreed with the opinion that we can separate the political struggle and literacy education movement. The neutrality of education prefer the language of educator rather than educatee, so the educational method is just pouring the words into the head of educatee.
The participants of the cultural circle critically analyzed the myth of their society they lived in. They realized that they are not unable, insincere, and lazy in the cultural circle. They dreamed a new world where they are respected by the people, and can practice literacy process and political struggle for freedom.
I hope the educational philosophy of Paulo Freire will not be forgotten in our country even though the period of illiterate person was gone. The important message he gave to us is the politics of education should be recognized by the educators, and the educational movement should be practiced with social change. For this purpose, I wrote about the coordinator, participant, and educational content of the cultural circle in ‘Brazil’ and ‘Sao Tome and Principe’.


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