Showing results 28 to 58 of 58

Park, Hyeon KeoKim, MinwooLee, JaehyunLee, JieunYun, GunsuLee, WoochangXu, XueqiaoJardin, Stephenthe KSTAR team

Conference Paper Issue Date2016-02-25 View30

Kim, YeonjooLee, JieunMyung, KyungjaeKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2024-05-30 View7

Kim, YeonjooLee, JieunMyung, KyungjaeKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2023-09-06 View44

Kim, YeonjooLee, JieunLee, Ha-EunMyung, KyungjaeKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2024-10-17 View8

Kim, YeonjooLee, JieunMyung, KyungjaeLee, SeungeunKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2023-11-07 View34

Oh, YuminSim, DongjinJeong, SeongeomLee, JieunSon, HeejongBae, HyokwanJeong, Sanghyun

Article Issue Date2022-10 View31

Lee, Byeong EunKim, Hye YunKim, Hyun-JinJeong, HyeongsunKim, Byung-GyuLee, Ha-EunLee, JieunKim, Han ByeolLee, Seung EunYang, Yong Ryoul , et al

Conference Paper Issue Date2021-07-09 View26

Lee, Byeong EunKim, Hye YunKim, Hyun-JinJeong, HyeongsunKim, Byung-GyuLee, Ha-EunLee, JieunKim, Han ByeolLee, Seung EunYang, Yong Ryoul , et al

Conference Paper Issue Date2020-11-16 View24

Park, Hyeon KeoLee, JieunYun, GunsuLee, JaehyunKim, MinwooChoi, Minjunthe KSTAR team

Conference Paper Issue Date2016-02-25 View26

Kim, Hye YunLee, JieunKim, Hyun-JinJang, Hyun-JunSuh, Pann-GhillKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2022-05-25 View24

Kim, Hye YunLee, JieunKim, Hyun-JinJang, Hyun-JunSuh, Pann-GhillKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2022-05-20 View18

Lee, JieunKim, Hye YunKim, Hyun-JinJang, Hyun-JunSuh, Pann-GhillKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2023-11-07 View66

Kim, Hye YunLee, JieunKim, Hyun-JinJang, Hyun-JunSuh, Pann-GhillKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2023-05-12 View22

Kim, HyojuMoon, Jong SungNoh, GichangLee, JieunKim, Je-Hyung

Article Issue Date2019-10 View30

Moon, Jong SungKim, HyojuNoh, GichangLee, JieunKim, Je-Hyung

Conference Paper Issue Date2020-05-11 View32

Park, Hyeon KeoLee, JieunKim, MinwooLee, JaehyunYun, GunsuLee, WoochangKo, WonhaKSTAR team

Conference Paper Issue Date2015-02-25 View44

Kim, Hye YunLee, JieunKim, Hyun-JinJang, Hyun-JunSuh, Pann-GhillKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2024-05-30 View10

Kim, Hye YunLee, JieunKim, Hyun-JinJang, Hyun-JunSuh, Pann-GhillKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2023-09-06 View21

Park, Hyeon KeoKim, MinwooLee, JaehyunYun, GunsuLee, WoochangLee, JieunKSTAR team

Conference Paper Issue Date2015-02-25 View29

Lee, Byeong EunKim, Hye YunKim, Hyun-JinJeong, HyeongsunKim, Byung-GyuLee, Ha-EunLee, JieunKim, Han ByeolLee, Seung EunYang, Yong Ryoul , et al

Conference Paper Issue Date2020-11-17 View31

Kim, Hye YunLee, JieunKim, Hyun-JinJang, Hyun-JunSuh, Pann-GhillKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2021-11-05 View27

Kim, Hye YunLee, JieunKim, Hyun-JinJang, Hyun-JunSuh, Pann-GhillKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2020-11-17 View24

Kim, Hyun-JinHwang, ByungjaeLee, Byeong EunLee, JieunLee, YoungEunPark, Jung-HoonKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2019-09-24 View17

Park, Hyeon KeoKim, MinwooLee, JaehyunLee, JieunYun, GunsuLee, Woochang

Conference Paper Issue Date2015-04-23 View61

Lee, Byeong EunKim, Hyun-JinKim, Hye YunLee, Ha-EunLee, JieunKim, Byung-GyuMyung, KyungjaeSuh, Pann-GhillKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2019-09-24 View18

Lee, Byeong EunKim, Hyun-JinKim, Hye YunLee, Ha-EunLee, JieunKim, Byung-GyuMyung, KyungjaeSuh, Pann-GhillKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2019-10-01 View26

Lee, JieunKim, YeonjooKim, Jae-Ick

Conference Paper Issue Date2024-10-17 View7

Lee, JieunYun, GunsuLee, JaehyunKim, MinwooPark, Hyeon KeoChoi, Minjun

Conference Paper Issue Date2016-04-20 View26