Suh, Joonki


Graduate School of Semiconductor Materials and Devices Engineering(반도체 소재ㆍ부품 대학원)

  • Semiconductor Nanotechnology Lab.
  • Website
Research Interests
Nanoelectronics & Nanofabrication;2D semiconductors;Phase change materials;semiconductor materials and devices;heat transfer;지능형 반도체;전자소재 합성;나노소재
Lab Description
Semiconductor technology has revolutionized our world over the past decades enabling modern consumer electronics, and the success has relied on the development of emerging electronic materials and devices. In this regard, our research has aided in the development of understandings of material physics and engineering in nanoscale semiconductors and manipulation their properties at all relevant length scales. Thus, the core of our research is to design artificially structured semiconductors to meet the growing material challenge for next-generation computing, memory technology, and thermal energy harvesting. It will be led by our vision is to innovate semiconductor nanotechnologies stepping from i) synthesis of novel nanomaterials including two-dimensional (2D) layered crystals, phase change materials and nanostructured metal oxide/halide and ii) manipulation/assembly with atomic precision and spatial control, and ultimately iii) integrating them into high-performance devices, which will help our society achieve energy security as well as enter the next chapter of semiconductor innovation.

Ko, KyungminJang, MingyuKwon, JaeeunSuh, Joonki

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김승환김창환허남욱Suh, Joonki

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Kang, Seung-HyeonYang, SeongukLee, DonghyunKim, SungkyuSuh, JoonkiLee, Hong-Sub

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장민규Singh, Swati서준기

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Han, JiminJeong, BoyoungKim, YuriSuh, JoonkiJeong, HongsikKim, Hyun-MiYoon, Tae-Sik

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Kim, JunilKo, KyungminKwon, HyeokjinSuh, JoonkiKwon, Hyuk-JunYoo, Jae-Hyuck

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Yang, WonjunHur, NamwookLim, Dong-HyeokJeong, HongsikSuh, Joonki

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