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DC Field Value Language
dc.citation.conferencePlace KO -
dc.citation.title The Third International Conference On Consumer Electronics (ICCE) Asia - Lee, Myoung Hoon - Moon, Jun - 2024-02-01T01:40:31Z - 2024-02-01T01:40:31Z - 2018-12-20 - 2018-06-24 -
dc.description.abstract In this paper, we consider leader-follower decentralized optimal control for a hexarotor group with one leader and large population followers. Our hexarotor is modeled based on the quaternion framework to resolve singularity of the rotation matrix represented by Euler's angle, and has 6-DoF due to six tilted propellers, which allows to control its translation and attitude simultaneously. By using the mean field Stackelberg game framework, we obtain a set of decentralized optimal controls for the leader and 𝑁 follower hexarotors when N is arbitrarily large where the decentralized optimal controls constitute an 𝜖-Stackelberg equilibrium for the leader and 𝑁 followers, where 𝜖 → 0 as 𝑁 → ∞. Furthermore, we validate the theoretical results with simulations of two different operating scenarios. -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation The Third International Conference On Consumer Electronics (ICCE) Asia -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.language 영어 -
dc.publisher IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers -
dc.title Decentralized Optimal Control for Leader-Follower Tilted-Hexarotors -
dc.type Conference Paper - 2018-06-24 -


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