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DC Field Value Language
dc.citation.endPage 211 -
dc.citation.number 4 -
dc.citation.startPage 193 -
dc.citation.title 한국어교육 -
dc.citation.volume 30 - 정윤나 - 2023-12-21T18:12:54Z - 2023-12-21T18:12:54Z - 2020-01-30 - 2019-12 -
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this study is to describe the current state of Korean education in Cuba, to explore the issues therein and to consider the future plans of Korean language education. This study presents six Korean language classes in Cuba, focusing on lectures, contents, instructors, and learners. Based on the result, this study outlines a developmental task and discusses the future plan. Since 2012, when liberal reforms opened the country’s economy to increased international trade, Cuba has emerged as a growing market for Korean drama and K-pop, and interest in Korean language and culture there has surged. The increased demand for Korean language education in Cuba arose despite a lack of support from the Cuban government, a positive situation that nevertheless demands a lot of work to be done for its sustainable development. This paper presents the current state of Korean language education in Cuba, examines its issues, and suggests developments. As this subject has never been studied before, it will thus be very useful for further studies on Korean language education in Cuba. -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation 한국어교육, v.30, no.4, pp.193 - 211 -
dc.identifier.doi 10.18209/iakle.2019.30.4.193 -
dc.identifier.issn 1225-6137 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.identifier.url -
dc.language 한국어 -
dc.publisher 국제한국어교육학회 -
dc.title.alternative The Current State and Issues of Korean Education in Cuba -
dc.title 쿠바 한국어교육의 현황과 과제 -
dc.type Article -
dc.description.isOpenAccess FALSE -
dc.identifier.kciid ART002527687 -
dc.type.docType Article -
dc.description.journalRegisteredClass kci -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor 쿠바(Cuba) -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor 한국어교육(Korean language education) -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor 현황 (current state) -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor 과제(tasks) -


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