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Fast 3D head avatar using triplane representation from monocular RGB video

Kim, Solang
Yoon, Sung Whan
Issued Date
Despite significant advancements in the field of 3D head avatar creation, traditional methods have con- sistently faced challenges in efficiently reflecting expressions and pose changes in dynamic 3D fields. A major impediment has been the extensive training time required, which poses a critical hindrance to their practical application in real-world scenarios. This thesis introduces a novel approach to 3D head avatar that effectively addresses these limitations by leveraging a triplane representation from monoc- ular RGB video. Our method substantially reduces the number of parameters needed to represent dy- namic 3D fields through the utilization of a triplane structure. Furthermore, we enhance our model’s deformation capabilities by incorporating 3DMM parameters, thus increasing efficiency and versatility in complex facial reconstruction scenarios. To equip the model with rapid adaptation capabilities and a comprehensive understanding of diverse identities, we employ the StyleGAN2 Generator, pre-trained on extensive facial datasets. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated through comparative speed analyses, cross-identity, and self-reenactment experiments across various identities, views, and poses. Notably, our results show successful generation within two minutes in diverse scenarios, signifying a breakthrough for 3D head avatar creation in real-world applications.
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence


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